F.A.Q | Frequently Asked Questions

The Questions You Have in Your Mind About Anatolian Puzzles

This section is designed to provide quick answers to some of the questions
most often asked about Anatolian Puzzles and our products.
The questions under the headings are just a representative sample of what we routinely answer.
Thanks for your support and interest. Happy Puzzling..!

Can you replace a missing or damaged puzzle piece(s) ?

Yes. We have a corporate Missing Piece Support department.

Do I have to pay for missing or damaged puzzle piece(s)?

Our Missing Piece Support is Free of Charge

How I can claim my puzzle piece(s)?

It's easy to misplace a puzzle piece, so make sure you look everywhere first. Double check the packaging — it is possible it could be hidden or stuck in there. Throughly search any rooms you used for opening, constructing, gluing, transporting or storing the Anatolian Jigsaw Puzzle.
Lastly, make sure that all of the pieces you have placed so far belong where they are, this way you know for sure exactly what piece you're missing.
Please click this page https://mpform.anatolianpuzzle.com/missingpart. and select “English” at the top right side of the form.
We need every field so fill out correct and full.” Puzzle code” , “Product Code” and Co-ordinates are extremely important to written full. Puzzle code can be seen on the sides of your own puzzle box.
Product code can be found on carton puzzle stand or small code card into the puzzle box

How I can find my puzzle missing piece(s) co-ordinates?

Click on the ( ? ) next to the missing piece coordinates line and see the location chart
Coordinates A : column location count the piece from left to right
Coordinates B : row location count the piece from top to bottom

What I can do if I do NOT have "Product Code" ?

If you do not have the product code with any reason you should add the entire puzzle photo(s) including the missing pieces by using “Browse Button” on web site. This helps to determined your codes. In addition, choose "Old" from drop down menu and write 0000 (four zeros).

How many puzzle missing piece(s) I can ask for ?

You can request up to 5 missing pieces within a single form.

How is the process after my application sent ?

When we received your application fully our support team will ship the piece(s) to given address in free of charge. Notification mail will be sent to your e-mail

When I can expect to receive my missing piece(s)?

Please allow us 32+ days to get this delivered. Thank you for your understanding

Which method of shipment you are using for delivery?

The missing piece(s) are sending by regular postal service for international delivery. This shipment is not trackable.

What I can do if my question is not listed here or request cancel my application?

You should contact us at destek@perregroup.com

Missing Piece Coordinates Chart